It has taken a lot for me to come back to this page. I have thought about it often, but could not force myself to visit. After numerous talks with myself, here I am. For awhile, it was hard for me not consider myself a failure, but then I realized that you are never a failure until you give up. I have not given up. I can't give up. Especially on something like this. It means so much to me because it essentially something that will either make or break my life. With that being said, here I am... Again.
I do not know if any of you have ever read my blog before now so I will give you a brief synopsis of its purpose. I started this blog a couple of years ago, 2011 I believe, as a way to motivate myself on my weight loss journey. I had a goal of losing 75lbs in 100 days (BIG challenge, huh? Yeah, I know but it was doable). In the beginning, I was working out, eating right, and everything was okay. As time went on I continued to work on my weight loss and I was doing so well! As the days turned into weeks, LIFE took over. Different factors erupted and for a while, I did a great job of managing those factors coupled with the challenge of losing weight. THEN the 100th day hit and I was NOT 75lbs lighter, but I was okay with that. Of the total 75lbs, I lost about 30. For the first time that I can remember, I was under 250 and that was an AMAZING feeling. I remember walking into Old Navy and getting a size 18 jeans off the rack-- and they were loose in the thighs and waist!! I did not have to go to the PLUS section to get them or order them from the website. That is something that I have NEVER been able to do in my entire adult life. But I digress (Did I say a brief synopsis?). With all of that being said, I managed to maintain that weight for a few months, then it was all uphill from there. I gained it ALL back PLUS some. That was depressing. The fact that I literally worked my a** off to get to that point just to gain it back depressed me in ways I cannot even explain. It did a serious number on me and I am just now getting past it.
That brings us to NOW. I am back! I am ready to shed the pounds and keep them off. After many talks with myself, the time is now and I just have to do it. Officially, I started back with my calorie counting and working out last Tuesday, so it has been a little over a week. I have rededicated myself to getting healthy and fit because I know it needs to happen. I am a single mother with two kids and I HAVE to be here for them. They are so active and so inspiring to me. My 8 year old runs nonstop and can easily run a mile. My 13 year old daughter ran a mile today in 7 minutes and 50 seconds. I have to get to that point. I WANT TO RUN A DAMN MILE! And as God as my witness, I am going to get there!
Now that I have essentially caught everyone up with what's been going on, I am going to take a moment and log off, but never fear! I shall return shortly! Before I go, I want to thank everyone who inspired me even a little bit to keep going on my journey. Thank you!!
Until I return, Happy Calorie Counting! :)