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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's in the bag

I've created my own little survival bag. Cutest little thing!! It's basically just a lunch bag that I ordered and had customized for me. (You should get one! Not too expensive and quite stylish, if I do say so myself. I ordered it from a company called Thirty-One. Here's the web site if you're interested: http://www.mythirtyone.com/kristyharley/. They also have different styles and patterns.)
The way it works: each morning I pack my bag (when time permits) with what I will consume for the day. That includes breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Since I generally take in 1000-1200 calories per day, I usually pack enough food that takes up about 400-600 of that caloric intake.
The rules... Rule #1: plan for the day! If you know that you are in the office until about 5 or 6 p.m., then make sure you have enough food to sustain you throughout the day. Rule #2: Choose wisely! Know what you are packing for breakfast, lunch and snacks. Count the caloric value of the items. This includes everything! Rule #3: If its not in the bag, DON'T EAT IT! This rule is very important. One of the key elements to calorie counting is knowing how many calories you are eating and sticking to the goal that you have set. By only eating what you have allotted yourself during the day, it makes it easier to keep up with your caloric intake, as well as plan out what you will have for dinner.
Along with my food, I also keep my food diary (a record of what I eat from day to day) and a Calorie, Fat, and Carbohydrate Counter; both of which can be purchased from The Calorie King (http://www.CalorieKing.com). They are both handy, very informative, little guides to keep with you.

Needless to say, any little trick to keeping up with your calories will help. My nifty little lunch bag definitely helps me out BIG time.

Until next time, Happy Calorie Counting! :)

What's on your plate?

As always, one of the greatest challenges in weight loss is what you eat. I've heard many say that you can eat what you want as long as you exercise daily. And to those people I give a great big *side eye*. Maybe that works for some individuals, but definitely not for me. Exercise matters greatly when trying to lose weight, but I will continue to believe that if you choose baked chicken and brussels sprouts (plus exercise) over Whoppers and french fries you will, without a doubt, lose weight much quicker (and keep it off).

I am a single mother, I work full-time, and I spend at least 3 nights a week on the soccer fields so I know fast food can quickly become my bff. Plus, I am not a fan of cooking. I will say this though: if you work it out right, you can fix healthy meals (that don't take long) and actually taste great. I always try to cook enough so there's some left over for my lunch the next day (<<-- money saving tip :)).

For the days when my kids consume the entire pot, I resort to those good ol' frozen meals. That's right- frozen "diet" food. Sounds disgusting, huh? Well they don't exactly cause my taste buds to explode with excitement, but they get the job done. My top choices are Healthy Choice Steamers and Smart Ones. As frozen ("diet") food goes, these are the best. And at around $2-3 each, you can actually save money if you plan it right. AND because its a boxed meal, your calories, fat, and whatever else you keep track of is on the back- already totaled for you! Woohoo!! (I find joy in little things.)

If you must rely on fast food, just remember to choose wisely. In my area there aren't many choices... Chic-fil-A, Mickey D's, Taco Bell. All of these places offer "healthy" choices but sometimes their version of healthy doesn't match what I call healthy.

Just be aware of what you're eating... READ! And continue on your path to righteousness aka calorie counting. :) Ask yourself, "What's on my plate?"

BTW: if you are lucky enough to be near a Chipotle Mexican Grill, try em out on your lunch break. Fresh ingredients, truly healthy choices, and oh so tasty! *insert drool here*
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Monday, October 10, 2011

Change Of Plans

Sunday's workout complete! That included a mile (plus a teeny bit more) walk and about 20 minutes of aerobics. Just as I said before, I am slowly but surely getting back into my routine, including the calorie counting AND the workouts. It hasn't been long since I've re-embarked on my weight loss journey, but I can already tell the difference in my energy level. I'm hoping I can stick with it until I get where I need (want) to be. I've revamped my goal to reflect where I'm at now. I can officially where 16's and my original goal size was 14. That puts me just one size away from where I want to be, BUT I'm not ok with that. Although I'd be ecstatic to wear a 14, I feel like my thighs need to be smaller so I'm gonna shoot for a smaller size. Let's just say that I am going to drop 50 more lbs, and whatever size I'm in then will work for me- I hope. :)
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