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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's in the bag

I've created my own little survival bag. Cutest little thing!! It's basically just a lunch bag that I ordered and had customized for me. (You should get one! Not too expensive and quite stylish, if I do say so myself. I ordered it from a company called Thirty-One. Here's the web site if you're interested: http://www.mythirtyone.com/kristyharley/. They also have different styles and patterns.)
The way it works: each morning I pack my bag (when time permits) with what I will consume for the day. That includes breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Since I generally take in 1000-1200 calories per day, I usually pack enough food that takes up about 400-600 of that caloric intake.
The rules... Rule #1: plan for the day! If you know that you are in the office until about 5 or 6 p.m., then make sure you have enough food to sustain you throughout the day. Rule #2: Choose wisely! Know what you are packing for breakfast, lunch and snacks. Count the caloric value of the items. This includes everything! Rule #3: If its not in the bag, DON'T EAT IT! This rule is very important. One of the key elements to calorie counting is knowing how many calories you are eating and sticking to the goal that you have set. By only eating what you have allotted yourself during the day, it makes it easier to keep up with your caloric intake, as well as plan out what you will have for dinner.
Along with my food, I also keep my food diary (a record of what I eat from day to day) and a Calorie, Fat, and Carbohydrate Counter; both of which can be purchased from The Calorie King (http://www.CalorieKing.com). They are both handy, very informative, little guides to keep with you.

Needless to say, any little trick to keeping up with your calories will help. My nifty little lunch bag definitely helps me out BIG time.

Until next time, Happy Calorie Counting! :)

What's on your plate?

As always, one of the greatest challenges in weight loss is what you eat. I've heard many say that you can eat what you want as long as you exercise daily. And to those people I give a great big *side eye*. Maybe that works for some individuals, but definitely not for me. Exercise matters greatly when trying to lose weight, but I will continue to believe that if you choose baked chicken and brussels sprouts (plus exercise) over Whoppers and french fries you will, without a doubt, lose weight much quicker (and keep it off).

I am a single mother, I work full-time, and I spend at least 3 nights a week on the soccer fields so I know fast food can quickly become my bff. Plus, I am not a fan of cooking. I will say this though: if you work it out right, you can fix healthy meals (that don't take long) and actually taste great. I always try to cook enough so there's some left over for my lunch the next day (<<-- money saving tip :)).

For the days when my kids consume the entire pot, I resort to those good ol' frozen meals. That's right- frozen "diet" food. Sounds disgusting, huh? Well they don't exactly cause my taste buds to explode with excitement, but they get the job done. My top choices are Healthy Choice Steamers and Smart Ones. As frozen ("diet") food goes, these are the best. And at around $2-3 each, you can actually save money if you plan it right. AND because its a boxed meal, your calories, fat, and whatever else you keep track of is on the back- already totaled for you! Woohoo!! (I find joy in little things.)

If you must rely on fast food, just remember to choose wisely. In my area there aren't many choices... Chic-fil-A, Mickey D's, Taco Bell. All of these places offer "healthy" choices but sometimes their version of healthy doesn't match what I call healthy.

Just be aware of what you're eating... READ! And continue on your path to righteousness aka calorie counting. :) Ask yourself, "What's on my plate?"

BTW: if you are lucky enough to be near a Chipotle Mexican Grill, try em out on your lunch break. Fresh ingredients, truly healthy choices, and oh so tasty! *insert drool here*
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Monday, October 10, 2011

Change Of Plans

Sunday's workout complete! That included a mile (plus a teeny bit more) walk and about 20 minutes of aerobics. Just as I said before, I am slowly but surely getting back into my routine, including the calorie counting AND the workouts. It hasn't been long since I've re-embarked on my weight loss journey, but I can already tell the difference in my energy level. I'm hoping I can stick with it until I get where I need (want) to be. I've revamped my goal to reflect where I'm at now. I can officially where 16's and my original goal size was 14. That puts me just one size away from where I want to be, BUT I'm not ok with that. Although I'd be ecstatic to wear a 14, I feel like my thighs need to be smaller so I'm gonna shoot for a smaller size. Let's just say that I am going to drop 50 more lbs, and whatever size I'm in then will work for me- I hope. :)
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Friday, September 2, 2011

Quick FYI...

Ready to embark on this calorie counting journey with me?? Need help? Here's one of the best calorie counting sites/publications a girl (or guy) can use. It's affordable and it actually helps you not only find out how many calories are in the foods you eat, but also helps you keep track of your daily caloric intake. Try it for free...

*sneaks back in* *sits down* *acts like I haven’t been M.I.A.* Hey Ya’ll!

I’ve been on hiatus the last five (or more) months. I’m sure you all feel that I have abandoned my entire weight loss journey. I have not! I’m still here, but let’s just say that life happened (ßBIG time) over the last few months and my mind was everywhere but on Fantabulous Me. That coupled with the fact that I haven’t had internet to post any updates, basically left “Fat to Fantabulous” up in arms. So with that being said, let the updates begin…
It’s all quite simple really. No complicated updates. Just two words will sum it up: Still Fat.
Nevertheless, I’m still quite fantabulous just in a size 16 (Ugh!). I honestly can’t tell you how much I have gained back because I am completely avoiding my scale. I have decided that I will continue to embark on my weight loss journey WITHOUT that evil mechanism. Well at least until October 1. At that point I will force encourage myself to get on that pink and red Weight Watchers scale. *sad face*
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not like I have spent the last few months devouring everything that I have in the kitchen. I just cared less (a lot less) about the caloric number of foods and ate items that I would usually stay clear of. I did continue to exercise though. That’s probably the only saving grace I have had through my calorie counting lull. I know I’ve gained weight back (not all, but definitely some), but due to the fact that I kept on working it out (Yay Zumba), I don’t have to start all over again.
I must say that I have missed Fat to Fantabulous. Something about posting on this blog gives me more of an inspiration to keep pushing on. And although I am giving myself a great big, huge, without a doubt, you can do better, I can’t believe you fell off, you better get it together speech; I know I’ll fall back into the groove with no problems. I just wish that I could snap my fingers and be right where I want to be, but like I’ve said countless times before “This is not going to be easy, but it can be done” and it will be done.  September 1st (yes, yesterday) marks my FIRST official day back at my calorie counting. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I have to get right! ASAP-ually!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Life gave me lemons, and I made lemon butter sauce!

In my quest to keep this low calorie "diet" interesting I am ALWAYS looking to find something tasty & guilt free. Let's also keep in mind that I don't like to cook so it must be simple to prepare.

The situation:
It was late in the afternoon, I was tired, and really didn't want to cook. I did, however, have a craving for steamed broccoli. I decided that broccoli was the way to go, but I needed more than just those little trees (which is only 60 calories for 3oz *smile*) to satisfy my appetite. So with that I added chicken to the menu. Now, to be honest, I'm almost "chickened" out! I've baked it, sauted it, grilled it, had it on salads, had it in pasta, chicken and veggies, chicken and yellow rice... Blah, blah, blah! So needless to say, I needed something to kick the chicken in gear. While standing there trying hard to decide what to do, I remembered that I had a lemon so I let the creative juices flow. And what I came up with, was simple and oh so yummy! *Check it out!*

1/4 cup Parkay (in the tub or the spray)
2 tablespoons REAL lemon juice
1/2 garlic, minced  
1 zest of a lemon (optional)

Mince the garlic and zest and juice the lemon. In a small sauce pan over low heat, melt about a tbsp of butter (Parkay), and saute the minced garlic for about a minute, stirring constantly. Add the remaining butter and stir until it melts. Add in the lemon juice. Stir until combined. Remove from heat and you're done! Pour over your food of choice and top with lemon zest.
Its quick and easy, not to mention, low in calories and muy delicioso! Try it and let me know what you think.
*Happy Calorie Counting!*
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I think he tried to kill me!

I casually mentioned to my trainer that after our last workout together, I didn't exactly feel the burn. Well why did I do that? He came in with a vengeance! Last night's workout was killer. I found strength I didn't know I had, and used muscles I didn't know existed. What a workout!! If this is what its going to take to get these unruly thighs in order, then so be it.
With just under fifty days left in my journey, I have a LONG way to go. That means its time to step it up and feel the burn. I've got pounds to lose and inches to shed! Let's do this!! So until next time, work hard and *happy calorie counting*!
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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Disappointed, but far from discouraged!

After waiting three long weeks to weigh in, I must say that I am extremely disappointed. *tear* I've ONLY lost 3 lbs since my last meeting with the scale. I was beyond shocked, peeved, annoyed, etc, etc, etc.
Now, I've come to grips with it & have realized that the scale hates me. LOL but really, I HAVE lost inches from all of the working out so I guess that's ok. *perhaps* BUT by the time I encounter that evil, red & pink scale of mine, I WILL have lost MORE! I will not let the lack of change in the numbers deter me from my overall goal. I am upset about it, but that just means that I must push harder to make it happen (working out just as soon as I hit "send"). So until then, *happy calorie counting*!
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Monday, February 28, 2011

It's time...

It's that time again. Time for yet another weigh in, and I am so nervous. I have a number in my head that I desperately want to see on the scale when I step on it. I don't know why I get this way before each weigh in, but I'm just going to think positive thoughts.

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, I will weigh myself. Until then, happy calorie counting! *Say a little prayer for me!* :o)
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Sunday, February 27, 2011


With so many obstacles to overcome, at times it seems like this entire journey is pointless. It has become increasingly easy for me to get up and exercise, request a water as opposed to a soda, and go for grilled chicken and steamed veggies rather than chicken tenders and fries. I consistently look at the back of packages to check nutritional content. I think about how long it would take to burn off calories from certain foods. The big question that I ask myself all of the time: is it worth it? All of that is just second nature to me in an effort to hurdle the obstacles.

When it comes to barriers throughout this process, the food becomes the easiest to get past; but as time goes on, an improper support system and a negative thought process can halt all progress. Luckily for me, I have the power from within myself to motivate myself. I also have friends and family that truly understand what I wish to accomplish. However, for those who lack the proper support system, I'm here to let you know that I will be the one to support you. Sometimes you just need one person to let you know that you're doing a great job. I hear comments on a regular basis like, "You're a fool for doing that. Why deprive yourself of food that you want?" And to those comments I say this, "I'm not depriving myself. I'm trying to prolong my life, and if that means resisting temptation to some foods, then so be it." I have a goal in mind and I will reach that goal no matter how long it takes me. When people around me are spewing negative energy, I use it as a catalyst to strive harder to reach my goal. Don't let others deter you from what you want. Its mind over matter at this point. Negativity: its one heck of an obstacle, but in due time, you can (and will) be victorious.

When no one else is eating fresh fruit instead of ice cream for desert, and when you're getting up at the crack of dawn to workout, just know that I'm with you... *Happy Calorie Counting!*
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Still here... And making progress!

Hey loves!! I know my posts are becoming far and few in between, but trust me, I haven't abandoned *Fat to Fantabulous*! Life has been busy and time gets away before I know it. Everything is going so well with my weight loss. I'm still calorie counting and still trying hard to stick with it. Its mind over matter at this point.

I tried on my outfit for Panama City (one of them anyway) and I'm so elated to say that I'm almost there! Still a little snug around the thigh area but in due time, it will fit perfectly.

My workouts have been going GREAT! As you all know, I've got a personal trainer, and he is fantastic. He's really helping me focus on my "problem" areas as well the rest of my body. Also, I've accomplished something that is HUGE for me: I ran (or should I say "jogged") for 3/4 of a mile- nonstop! That's more than I could have ever imagined myself doing. My goal, of course, is to run a mile and then eventually be able to run an entire 5K. My ultimate goal is to complete the Peachtree Road Race (10K) on my 30th birthday. That's well over a year away so I'm sure I won't have an issue doing so.

*Happy Calorie Counting*
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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Did you miss me?

Hey oh so fantabulous ones!! Did you miss me? Of course you did! :) I apologize for my absence but life has been super crazy! So let's see... Where do I start??
First of all, since my last post, I've had another weigh in. I lost six more lbs. It's a bitter sweet moment. I wanted atleast 10 more but it is what it is. As of February 9th, I have lost a total of 17lbs since January 10th.
Also, I have gotten a personal trainer. We've only had one session, but I feel really good about it and know that I will be successful with Greg's (personal trainer) help. Our first meeting consisted of assessments to determine my fitness level. I shocked myself by actually doing "real" push-ups. It was only 10, but that's 7 more than I could do last year. I have signed up to do two 5Ks- both in March and my goal is to run a portion of them.
I will admit that I have cheated. Pizza Hut sucked me in BUT I didn't eat much AND I killed on my workout the next day. Hey, nobody's perfect! :)
I went to Old Navy last weekend and tried on some jeans. For the FIRST time I can actually wear their jeans. And I'm not talking about searching the racks in WOMENS PLUS SIZE!! I'm talking about walking in & picking up jeans that will really fit me! Woohoo for me! It feels really good to walk into THAT store and know that I can wear the pants.
So as you can see its been a somewhat active few weeks for me. I'm really noticing that I'm shedding the pounds and I love it! My journey from Fat to Fantabulous continues! *Happy Calorie Counting!*
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just checking in...

Hey hey oh fantabulous ones! Its been about a week since I've posted. All is well with the calorie counting, but I must admit that I slacked a little on the exercising. I have made sure that I get some form of exercise each day. I just haven't gotten my hour and a half in. *sad face* But that moment is over and today I'm back at it. I got in 30 minutes this morning and will definitely get that last hour in tonight!

On another note, I did decide to get a personal trainer. Not because I don't think that I can do it on my own, but because I want to make sure I do it right. This goal is so important to me and I want to do all I can to reach it. Also, I have this great idea to participate in the Peachtree Road Race in 2012. That's over a year away but I need some serious training to make that happen. With the help of this trainer, I'm sure it won't be a problem.

Well I just wanted to catch you all up on my Fat to Fantabulous life! Until next time, happy calorie counting! :o)
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nauseous much??

All of this working out lately is definitely paying off. I can start to see a change in some of my clothes, and hopefully by my next weigh-in I can see a much bigger change. As I dance around here to the Zumba game and work out with Gilad on FitTV, I am increasing my caloric expenditure (Ha! That's fancy talk for "burning calories"...). That's all fine and dandy, but in the process of it all I've noticed that I get super nauseous. This feeling of nauseousness while exercising is new to me. I see people on TV complaining about it, but I just thought they were being babies. How wrong was I? :) So I did some searching and found out that it's very common. Some sites say it is has to do with dehydration. *rolls eyes* As if I don't drink enough water! I guess I'm just going to suck it up and add MORE water to my 2.5 liters a day. I would much rather run to the potty all day, than feel like I'm going to release the contents of my stomach. Other sites say it has to do with exercising too soon after eating, drinking too much water (*side eye*), as well as other issues. Maybe I just need to get a "professional" answer about it. Either way, its worth the read...

For those of you who wish to read more about it, here is a couple of links:



Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Sometimes we just need a little inspiration; just a few words to know that we are not alone in this journey. Whether it be a weight loss challenge, a struggle to conquer an addiction, or anything that we may embark on in our daily schedules, just trust and believe that if we know in our hearts that He is with us, nothing will be too hard.
This song is the song of all songs for me. When I get discouraged about anything, these words bring me back to reality. With Him, all things are possible!
*I just can't give up now. I've come too far from where I started from. Nobody told me the road would be easy and I don't believe He brought me this far to leave me!*


I'm having a moment right now. A few stressful issues have erupted in my life over the last day or so. Usually, I'm a stress eater, but I'm trying to change that. I did a 30 minute workout yesterday to release the stress and today I'm relieving my stress by writing. The key is for me to find avenues other than food. I've shown great restraint in not giving in to temptation. *sigh* I'm going to be the first to admit that if God wasn't giving me some serious strength, I'd be biting into a Snickers bar right now! BUT I have a goal to accomplish and I am focused. Only 64 more lbs to go. Til next time, *Happy Calorie Counting*!
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Monday, January 24, 2011

The numbers are in!!

Good morning loves!! I've been up since 4 a.m. anxiously waiting for 6:30... Today was the (first) big day and I have done it! I have lost 11lbs in 2 weeks... Only 64 more to go!! *Fat to Fantabulous in 100 Days* Have a blessed & prosperous day ♥'s!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Weigh in number one! *nervous*

Tomorrow is the big day.... Its been about 2 weeks and I am terrified about stepping on the scale. I've set such a HUGE goal for myself and I want so much to achieve it. 75lbs in 100 days!! What was I thinking?! In order for me to make this goal happen, I MUST lose 0.75lbs/day or at least 10.5lbs by tomorrow to stay on track. *sigh* Such a challenge!! I've worked hard at sticking with my 1000 calorie/day "diet" and made it a point to exercise daily. I'm going to stay positive and just know that I've done my best.
In just a few short hours we will know just how much all my hard work has paid off... Good night til  then! :o)

This week in a nutshell...

Its the end of the second week of my challenge. It has been a good week. I had a few moments when I lusted over a Pizza Hut commercial, but I didn't give in. I got a few compliments- I was told that I look like I've lost weight so that's definitely a plus. I will admit that for the first time I actually have a desire to put on a swimming suit (hoping for a two-piece). I can't wait for Spring to get here and my vacations begin. Hopefully I'll be where I want to be....

*Where I want to be...*
So I've set this goal for myself: lose 75lbs. As I embark on this journey, I can't help but to look at myself and question that decision. I love the way my face looks. I can't say it enough: "I LOVE MY FACE!!" As I lose more weight I tend to lose it in my face first, and I don't want to not look like ME. Then I look at the rest of my body and I think, "God! Is 75lbs enough?!"
Everyone loses weight differently. For me, it's from top to bottom, except in my arms. Now my arms- I hate!! It seems like the more weight I lose, the bigger my flags get. (Oprah's flags have nothing on mine!) In all honesty, if I ever resort to plastic surgery, these flags will be the first to go! As far as the rest of my body, I have a few concerns about my thighs- they are HUGE, but nothing I'm really freaking out about. I'm hoping that shedding the pounds will "put everything else in place". We shall see. *shrug*

So, in a nutshell, there's my thoughts, concerns, status, etc for the week. Tomorrow is a new day and one day closer to the end of my challenge!

*Happy Calorie Counting*

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Devil is a chicken nugget!

Here it is, 6:25 P.M., and I'm not really that hungry. I've had Subway and some grapes, so I have plenty of calories left for the day. I'm watching TV and trying to decide what to feed my kids for dinner when all of a sudden, the Devil comes on the screen! Yes! I said the DEVIL... In the form of a chicken freaking nugget! Now McDonald's wants to offer a 10 piece nugget for $1.99! Really??!! Well I rebuke you Satan!! I will not give in to temptation. Mickey D's... You can take your nuggets and shove them where the sauce don't shine! Ha!

*Ok I just had to get that out. Now I'm off to cook dinner- Teriyaki Shrimp & Garden Veggies for me, Chicken Fingers, Rice, & Garden Veggies for my kids!*

Happy Calorie Counting!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

~Weekend Replay~

This past weekend I was child free! I hung out, I slept, I worked out, I did nothing but what I wanted to do! I went out to the clubs/bars/restaurants and had every opportunity to eat whatever I wanted and consume whatever amount of liquor I desired, BUT I did neither. I exercised great self control and stuck with my 1000 calorie diet. Rather than partake in the hotwings, hamburgers, deserts, and those oh so scrumptious daiquiris, I chose salads, and water. At the bar, while others were ordering Vodka & cranberry, I ordered Vodka & lemonade. *sigh* I'll admit that it hurts me more to give up the liquor than the food!! LOL I'm just kidding! (Perhaps...) Anyway, this weekend was great. It is possible to go out and have a good time without busting the calorie budget! :o)

Monday, January 17, 2011

From my mind to your eyes... :o)

I must take this moment to say how proud I am of myself and how proud I am of my friends that have taken it upon themselves to embark on this journey as well. I have a HUGE goal set for myself and if it wasn't for the love and support of family and friends, I'm sure this would be much more difficult.

*My thoughts!*
     For me, weight loss itself isn't so hard. The hard part is making your mind up to say that this is really what you want to do. This entire process is no more than a mind thing. Once you are tired of the health issues, the stereotypes, the inability to find the clothes you desire, the complaining about what size you are, OR whatever the reason may be, YOU will make your mind up to lose the weight. Mind over matter!
*You are what you eat!*
     The journey to losing weight is paved with so many obstacles, mostly in the form of food. You've got to learn that eating cannot be for comfort; it is not a hobby. It is a crutch and until you learn to "EAT TO LIVE, NOT LIVE TO EAT", it's going to be even harder to get it together. As for myself, I just realized one day that my knees hurt and they were going to stay that way until I lose weight. So I made up my mind and I did it... I lost 60lbs. By no means whatsoever am I close to being where I want to be, but I made it happen. Now I have 75 more lbs to lose and I'm going to do it.
*Positive thinking!*
     Losing weight is not going to happen overnight and it will ONLY happen if that's what you want. No one else can make the decision for you. But I will say that when you are ready to make it happen, it will happen! *hugs*

One week down...

Well it's been one week and I have successfully made it through. I feel really good about it, too! I'm not sure how much I've lost, but with all of the exercising that I've been doing, my energy level is through the roof. I want so much to step on the scale, but won't until the 24th.
Looking back at this week, I will say that it hasn't been too hard to maintain the right eating habits. As a matter of fact, it has been somewhat of a breeze. Knowing what foods to eat and watching the caloric/fat/carbohydrate values of food is so important during this journey. With a maximum daily value of only 1000 calories, it is pertinent that I find foods that will fill me up, are healthy, and won't completely drain my calories in one meal. I try not to snack in between meals, but if I must, fruit is always my first choice. Also, I'm making sure that I read the ingredients on all foods, especially the "health" foods. Sometimes they have more harmful ingredients than the"regular" foods.
With only 93 days left on this 100 day journey, I am so stoked about reaching my goal. Each time I think about skipping a workout or grabbing a hamburger from McDonald's, I remind myself about Panama City, Vegas, and Miami- three trips that I am determined to take this summer (and actually wear a swimming suit without a cover- up). I know it can be done... Its just a matter of sticking to it for the next 3 months. Will power and determination: words that are definitely in my vocabulary!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Quick check in...

Here it is Thursday night, and I must say that I've done great this week with my calorie counting and exercising. I haven't eaten more than 1000 calories/day and I make sure to get some form of exercise in each day. I've been drinking LOTS of water rather than juices or sodas... No need to waste calories on a drink! I'm really optimistic about my weight loss journey (I try not to use the word diet-- such an UGLY word) and hope I can stay this way until I reach my goal. I weighed myself on Monday and won't step on the scale again until the 24th of January. That's really going to to be a challenge for me because I have an addiction to the scale. I really do weigh myself about 10 or more times a day. *fingers crossed* about that! Well, this was just a quick check-in and now I'm going to chill for the night. Goodnight all and be blessed! Happy Calorie Counting! :o)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011



Then...                                                  Now...

And then came Monday...

Monday morning came and went. I was super excited about it and so ready for it- ready to get back to my calorie counting, ready to get back into an exercise routine, and ready to shed some pounds!! I know this is really going to be a challenge today considering that I'm snowed in with a house full of kids. I will be posting my "before" picture soon. Also, I will be posting a picture of me before I lost the 56lbs. I look at the pics and think that I've come such a long way and still have so far to go. So with that being said, I will embark on this journey... Zumba and Fit TV here I come! :)

Be blessed everyone and have a fantabulous day! <3

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Today I went out and bought the Zumba game for the Wii... Super excited about using it. I hear it's really fun and a great work out. Well, we shall see because this will definitely be one of the avenues I take to a smaller me! *I'm stoked!* BTW: I went shopping the other day and got an outfit that is super cute. I have quite a few trips planned for 2011, and that one will be worn while I'm in Panama City, FL in May. Of course I made sure that it is two to three sizes too small!

Number one reason...

Confidence has never been an issue for me. Of course I have my insecurities just like everyone else, but my size has never hindered me from doing anything. I want to I NEED to lose weight as a precautionary measure for my health. At this point in my life, the only health issue I have is that I'm FAT. My family medical history includes diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer. The risk for each of these conditions is only heightened by being overweight. So in an effort to prolong my life so that I may be here for my babies, I'm continuing my battle against the bulge. Thus far I have lost 56 pounds and have about 75 more to go. This is going to be hard, but its a challenge that I'm definitely ready to take on.

My Goal: Lose 75 lbs in 100 days...

I know that seems crazy to some, but I know my body and I know what I can accomplish. This goal is highly attainable. Its simply going to take time and serious effort and dedication on my part. 100 days is just a few months and I'm willing to sacrifice those months to make this happen.